look mom, it works now!
merry christmas, follow da bunny
Roko's Rabbit
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Co-Creating Reality

Part I: Co-Creating Reality, How Reality is Structured

1.1 Live in Your Highest Excitement:

Guide For Life and Reality:

  • Act on your life, as best you can, with no expectation of the outcome, and remain in a positive state no matter what manifests.

This formula:

  • Activates all the principles for your purpose in life, passion.
  • Becomes the driving engine of your life, moving you with energy.
  • Guides and organizes synchronicity, bringing everything to you at the perfect time.
  • Creates the path of least resistance, allowing you to experience life effortlessly.
  • Supports you with abundance and support when needed.
  • Reflects back any belief systems out of alignment with your excitement, allowing you to examine and release them.

This is the practical guide. Dive deeper [link to extended notes(No Expectations 1.5)].

It's the guarantee of the nature of existence. Just follow the instructions, and you will be on your path. Like an instruction manual for a machine, if you follow the instructions, it will work as designed. If you don't follow the instructions, you may injure yourself.

1.2 The Five Laws of Creation:

  • You exist. You cannot change this fact, only your form.
  • Everything is here and now. Space and time are illusions. Everything exists all at once, accessible by changing your frequency.
  • The one is the all, and the all are the one. Everything is made from the same source.
  • What you put out is what you get back. This isn't just about matching your vibration. You naturally attract what you need, but negative beliefs can block it.
  • Everything changes, except the first four laws. The structure of existence remains constant, but everything else changes.

1.3 Physical Mind, Personal Higher Mind, and Higher Source Consciousness:

The One and All / Higher Source Consciousness / Heavenly Realms V Personal Higher Mind/ Higher Self / Lower Astral Realm / Template Reality V Physical Mind / Physical Reality

  • Each individual creates a duality: the Physical Mind and the Higher Mind, forming a whole person.
  • The Higher Mind acts as a liaison between the Physical Mind and higher consciousness, guiding you through Physical Reality.
  • You are in a simulation that you are creating. Everything is happening in your consciousness, there is no "outside".

1.4 How Did We Get Here? Physical Reality and the Spirit's Consensus Agreement:

  • Everyone chose to experience physical reality.
  • This choice creates a template reality (lower astral realm) just above physical reality.
  • The template reality sets up scenarios and themes for exploration, creating a blueprint for how physical reality will be experienced.
  • This is part of the Consensus Agreement, where you agree to the general rules of the physical reality game.
  • Your consciousness passes through this template on its way to physical reality, crystallizing your spirit into a physical body.
  • Your consciousness is infused with the template reality, acclimating to the denser reality.
  • Your personality structure is created to exemplify the themes you chose to explore.

1.4.1 Personality Construct:

  • Represents the intelligence and consciousness of your spirit.
  • It's molded by belief systems, emotions, thought patterns, and actions.
  • Designed to receive information conducive to the expression of your chosen themes.
  • While malleable, it is designed to absorb information aligned with those themes.
  • You pick up belief systems from your parents and society, which you can later compare and choose from.

1.4.2 Ego Structure:

  • Designed to keep you focused on your physical reality experience.
  • Amplifies belief systems for full experience.
  • Can create a sense of separation from the Higher Self.
  • Fosters fear and reinforces the belief that you are solely responsible for everything.
  • Burdened with tasks it is not designed for, leading to stress, irrational behavior, and density.

The ego needs a break!

  • Even in its dense state, you can sense the pull of the higher vibration, a level of reality where the ego is free.
  • Now is the time to reconnect with that Light Within and lighten your load.

The physical mind and the higher mind need to work together to be the whole person.

1.5 No Expectations:

  • The physical mind is not designed to know how something is going to happen, only what is happening now.
  • The Higher Mind knows how things will happen and will bring manifestations to the physical mind.
  • Visualization generates an excited feeling, which is the purpose, not necessarily to manifest exactly as you imagined.
  • The Higher Mind will bring you what you need, even if it looks nothing like you envisioned.
  • Let go of effort and the idea that you need to learn new processes. You are already a flawless creation machine.

1.6 Physical Reality is a Mirror:

  • Physical reality is a reflection of your beliefs and definitions.
  • Nothing in physical reality has inherent meaning. You give it the meaning you choose.
  • Your response to situations determines the effect you experience, not the situation itself.
  • Change within yourself, and your external reality will reflect that change.
  • Use criticism from others as an opportunity for self-reflection and alignment.

1.7 You're in Heaven now, having a dream you're not:

  • You never leave the spiritual realm. You are simply dreaming that you have.
  • Time and space are illusions, everything happens now.
  • You are experiencing an illusory separation, but you never truly left your spiritual home.

1.8 Time Travel is Reality Shifting:

  • You can't travel back in time, but you can shift realities into one that looks like the past.

1.9 Your Highest Excitement will Nourish You:

  • By following your excitement, you are exciting your body to capture energy.
  • Relax your expectations and act on your highest passion.
  • You will become sensitive to needing less solid forms of energy, and be sustained by higher energy.
  • Find your natural balance and rhythm with food, not forcing yourself to eat or not eat.

1.10 Five Forms of Abundance:

  • Abundance is multi-faceted, not just money.
  • Embrace all forms of abundance to enhance your life.
  • Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it.

The five forms:

  • Money: Influenced by society's emotional states.
  • Trade: Bartering goods and services.
  • Gifts: Giving and receiving freely.
  • Synchronicity: Meaningful coincidences offering support.
  • Imagination/Inspiration: Creativity and new ideas.

Often, other forms of abundance are more effective than money, providing the path of least resistance.